All things work together for good: A sickle cell carriers concern.

Sorry peeps

I feel like I’ve kept you waiting a little too long for an update on my christian single journey! I’m sorry for the neglect 🙈. So today I thought I’d give a little bit more about my journey from a health perspective! So grab a hot drink, sit back, chill, and let your mind be fed.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I feel that the COVID-19 pandemic has really thrown a spanner in the works, with regards to being able to meet loved ones, let alone NEW people. Anyways years back I remember going for a blood test, which revealed that I had low iron levels. My GP surgery left me a voicemail stating ‘not to worry, but I should give them a ring when I’m free’. And I can openly say that when I heard the words, ‘not to worry’, I did exactly that, worry. When I did return the missed call, I was bombarded with the question ‘do you have sickle cell anaemia?’, which left me feeling extremely confused. I thought to myself, surely this is something doctors would have picked up earlier on in my life, rather than decades later. I answered no to their question, but mentioned that my mum is a carrier of the disease. I then was told to take iron supplements, and thought nothing more of the sickle cell question again!

Sickle cell: Sickle cell anemia is one of a group of disorders known as sickle cell disease. Sickle cell anemia is an inherited red blood cell disorder in which there aren’t enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body. Normally, the flexible, round red blood cells move easily through blood vessels. In sickle cell anemia, the red blood are shaped like sickles or crescent moons. These rigid, sticky cells can get stuck in small blood vessels, which can slow or block blood flow and oxygen to parts of the body. There’s no cure for most people with sickle cell anemia. But treatments can relieve pain and help prevent complications associated with the disease.

Sickle cell carrier: If you’re a carrier of sickle cell, it means you carry one of the genes that causes sickle cell disease, but you do not have the condition yourself. It’s also known as having the sickle cell trait. People who carry sickle cell will not develop sickle cell disease, but may be at risk of having a child with sickle cell disease and may occasionally need to take precautions to stop them becoming unwell.

A WHOLE two years later I went to my GP surgery and met another doctor, who causally said, ‘you need to be careful about who you partner with’, you’re a sickle cell carrier. Am not going to lie, I wasn’t worried, but just pretty surprised. And I thought ‘oh great that cuts down my options for a hubby by 20-30%’. It got me thinking, how can I pop the question about blood type when getting to know someone? Like would it be awkward? Would it be a bit MUCH to ask such a question during early days? ‘Erm btw what blood type are you?’ But do I really want to waste valuable time, only to be disappointed… No. I think having the knowledge of my genetic makeup, and working within a hospital environment, and witnessing patients suffer from sickle cell crisis, makes me want to ensure that I don’t knowingly increase my future kids chances of suffering from the painful disease. I’d also like to clarify that just because someone has sickle cell, doesn’t mean that they can’t live life to their full potential. They can achieve greatness through the power of the Holy Spirit!

My second health concern was an accidental finding. There was a time I got a colleague to scan my ovaries for the fun of it, but she incidentally discovered that I had a fibroid, which made me further anxious… Will this affect my future pregnancies? But I wasn’t too distraught, as I knew my mum had one at the time she was pregnant with me, medical staff were concerned, but by God’s grace the pregnancy, and delivery went smoothly, an answer to prayers. The fibroid disappeared and could not be found on an ultrasound scan. Now wether or not my fibroids disappear or not, it doesn’t change the fact that God will NEVER leave me, that is His promise to all His children! And God is faithful to His word, His promises never fail. Remember that no two peoples lives are the same, so don’t expect God to work in the exact same way in your life, as He did in another individuals life. (Some people live with fibroids their whole life, and don’t even realise that they’re there, whilst some people require surgery to have them removed).

Fibroid: Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the womb (uterus). The growths are made up of muscle and fibrous tissue and vary in size. They’re sometimes known as uterine myomas or leiomyomas. Many women are unaware they have fibroids because they don’t have any symptoms.

Daniel 3:17-18 ~ If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.

^^^ No matter what we go through in life, God is in control, and we have the promise of His presence!

With my many valid concerns, it may seem that the odds are against me, but I firmly believe that God is in total control. And I know that what is impossible for man to do, is very possible for God to do! He is able! You may feel that you will never be able to meet your future spouse because of all that is happening around you, being in a lockdown, or simply not seeing any potential, or perspective people around. But just know that if God has promised something for your life, it’ll come to pass in His OWN perfect time.

Philippians 4:6 ~ Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

A very encouraging verse that comes to mind when I feel that things aren’t working out the way I want them to, is Romans 8:28. This is the very verse which inspired me to write this post.

Romans 8:28 ~ And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

God bless

Love from

Christian Lady After God’s Own Heart

Published by thegodlylady

Simply a young woman striving to encourage women of God, whilst trying to spread the gospel to a mass majority of ladies all over the world. I am an armature with regards to blogs, but with more time and by God’s grace I shall improve lol. I want every single female on earth to know how much she is loved by God (John 3:16)! Please feel free to contact me via email for encouragement, advise or prayer (I am not a qualified counsellor, or a pastor, but I believe as a young woman I will be able to relate with SOME of the things other women around the world are going through). <<< As of Feb 2019 I completed my Counselling level 3 diploma Praise God 💃🏾. I intend to help others not in my own strength, but with the help of the Holy Spirit.

5 thoughts on “All things work together for good: A sickle cell carriers concern.

  1. Oh that your strength and peace of mind come from Him that mapped out your life before you were born is just utterly beautiful!

    May the Lord continue to be your strength 🤗💛

    1. thegodlylady – Simply a young woman striving to encourage women of God, whilst trying to spread the gospel to a mass majority of ladies all over the world. I am an armature with regards to blogs, but with more time and by God’s grace I shall improve lol. I want every single female on earth to know how much she is loved by God (John 3:16)! Please feel free to contact me via email for encouragement, advise or prayer (I am not a qualified counsellor, or a pastor, but I believe as a young woman I will be able to relate with SOME of the things other women around the world are going through). <<< As of Feb 2019 I completed my Counselling level 3 diploma Praise God 💃🏾. I intend to help others not in my own strength, but with the help of the Holy Spirit.
      thegodlylady says:

      Amen. Thanks for the encouragement (your words sound like poetry to my ears). My God’s joy, love, and peace continue to fill your heart.

      1. Fight on, dear💪🏾🌻

        Poetry☺️my, my. Thank you

      2. evanhoyer34 – Starting my calling to help Jesus gather His lost children home. I will get a site up and blogging asap. Need to acquire the resources to get what I all need. One GOD, One people!!!!
        evanhoyer34 says:

        Can you send me your email address so I can talk too you better.

        Sent from Mail for Windows 10

      3. thegodlylady – Simply a young woman striving to encourage women of God, whilst trying to spread the gospel to a mass majority of ladies all over the world. I am an armature with regards to blogs, but with more time and by God’s grace I shall improve lol. I want every single female on earth to know how much she is loved by God (John 3:16)! Please feel free to contact me via email for encouragement, advise or prayer (I am not a qualified counsellor, or a pastor, but I believe as a young woman I will be able to relate with SOME of the things other women around the world are going through). <<< As of Feb 2019 I completed my Counselling level 3 diploma Praise God 💃🏾. I intend to help others not in my own strength, but with the help of the Holy Spirit.
        thegodlylady says:

        Hi there
        All readers can communicate/ask questions via writing directly on this blog space (commenting on posts etc). If anyone would like to send in prayer requests they can visit the CLAGOH team’s website at Free resources are also available for download at the site.
        God bless

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