Scriptures to read during stressful times.

Good day beautiful people, I hope that this message meets you well? In today’s post I’d like to point you towards a pathway called hope. And this hope comes from God’s word which is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. Sometimes life can get really really tough and when stormsContinue reading “Scriptures to read during stressful times.”

Take that leap of faith: (You have a purpose part 3).

Mark 11:22 ~ Then Jesus said to the disciples, “Have faith in God”. Good day beautiful peopleI hope that this message meets you well. Welcome to the third part of our series on discovering your purpose through unearthing your God given abilities. Today I desire to emphasise the importance of stepping out in faith. UnhealthyContinue reading “Take that leap of faith: (You have a purpose part 3).”

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