Why I’m thankful/happy for my single season.

Good day beautiful people I hope this post meets you well? Today I want to share with you, why I believe it’s important to be content in the place where God has positioned you! Be happy where you are! For the single ladies out there, be happy single, for it’s the place that God intendsContinue reading “Why I’m thankful/happy for my single season.”

The chronicles of a christian single lady…occasionally featuring some of her friends. (1)

Hey I’m known as Christian Lady After God’s Own Heart and I thought I’d share my journey as a single christian woman via electronic pen and paper (WordPress). This is because I have not come across many blogging platforms which encourage unmarried women of faith. I’ve sought for such encouragement for many years and inContinue reading “The chronicles of a christian single lady…occasionally featuring some of her friends. (1)”