What I learnt this valentines-Plus 8 useful tips!

Good morning beautiful people I hope that this blog post meets you well? Today I’d like to remind us of the importance of appreciating, and celebrating the ones we love! I plan on keeping today’s post short and sweet! 😊 It’s taken me over 28 years to realise that Valentine’s Day is not just forContinue reading “What I learnt this valentines-Plus 8 useful tips!”

Valentines edition: Let go and let God!

In life there will be moments were you encounter hardships, and will not understand why until a much later date! And guess what, sometimes we may never understand why things don’t work out. This is just life! ‘Most times life is better understood backwards, but must be lived forwards’! [My adaption to a quote byContinue reading “Valentines edition: Let go and let God!”